All about our lenses

Here's everything you need to know

when choose your lenses-in the order

you'll need to know it when your order.

Blue light blocking the lenses
Blue-violet light from phones, computers, and tablets may cause some serious eyestrain,
blue light blocking lenses are designed to provide protection from all that screen time.
With blue light blocking glasses, you can enjoy your screen time and preserve your eyesight.
Screen protection lenses
The screen protector lenses contains materials that block and filter harmful blue light
from the screen,and these lenses filter a higher percentage of blue light.
Help reduce exposure to Harmful Blue Light.
The lens will change from clear to dark colors such as gray or brown, when you are outdoors,
helping to block ultraviolet rays. The lens will change back to clear when you back to the room.
This dual-purpose lens allows you to switch freely between indoors and outdoors.
Polarized lenses contain layers of special filter which will block intense reflected light and
terminate the harmful glare from a horizontal orientation. With those polarized layers,
light will be filter into one direction so that we will be offered better vision in a higher contrast.
Sunglasses tint
85% tint for optimal protection from glare during solar radiation.
You can choose a variety of colors for every wonderful moment.
These lenses for driving provide 100% UV blockage, comfortable anti-glare protection,
sharper vision at night and safer driving along with better color and contrast perception,
helping remove glare off the road and have good driving experience.

Add These Lens to Any Pair of Glasses